What is Hydrotherapy?
Hydrotherapy is active rehabilitation in the water. This form of therapy reduces the pain associated with joint stress and weight bearing by taking advantage of the effects of buoyancy. Exercises can be done in the warm shallow pool, or the cooler deep pool.
What is involved?
An assessment is completed by the physiotherapist on land at the clinic, and a customized program is then designed based on the individual’s diagnosis and treatment goals. Clients may attend hydrotherapy sessions for up to 1 hour, multiple times per week at the Kimberley Aquatic Centre. Treatment will be in a group setting, or the client may be taught an individualized program to complete on their own if applicable.
Who will benefit from Hydrotherapy?
Hydrotherapy is beneficial for individuals with many different conditions including arthritis, spinal and disc problems, healing fractures, pre- and post-surgery (especially total joint replacement), soft tissue injuries, post-stroke or head injury, balance issues, or obesity.
What can Hydrotherapy do for me?
– Improve muscle strength, endurance, and core stability
– Improve range of movement of joints
– Improve mobility, coordination, and balance (decrease fall risk)
– Allow early rehabilitation and gait training after injury, illness, or surgery
– Allow ‘pre-training’ for people waiting for total joint replacement surgery
-Allow you to move with reduced pain, and improve and maintain fitness levels while recovering from acute and chronic injury